My Mysterious Car Totaling... I'm Tired of Being Jerked Around and Scammed by Grown Adults
July 6th...... my car was wrecked. I wrote this in October... and it's now December and my car contniues to sit down at this shop..... driveable. NOT totalled.... but due to fear of retaliation from whoemever was behind this, I've waited to post it. However, it's time to speak out for myself and children.
So....... One evening (July 6th) I'm sitting around my dining room table with my sister and two others, and her boyfriend had gone literally 3 blocks away to get a moneygram from his mother in Louisiana. (so I was told).... I NEVER let people drive my car. My soon to be ex-husband only drove my car like 2 times if that tells your anything... it was my only asset I had left. I trusted he was going close by.
Anyhow, time passed and I asked "Where the heck is John?" Within 30 minutes I get a message on FB messenger from someone I KIND OF know, asking if I was in a wreck. I immediately said WHERE? HE didn't know... so I had to call 911, and ask where my car was.
I arrived on the scene, and the car was facing a peculiar way, and they said two different stories about it supposedly rolling, or tipping?? However, it was sitting up right and pointing forward. Anyhow, it was towed to a local tow yard. The next day I went to the tow shop and being OCD and having a family that owns an insurance agency , I of course took pictures... This car had ONE dent in the passenger side fender. None in the side other than that. None on the top, etc.
It wasn't driveable only because of the front windshield. It was delivered to a local body shop in which I won't name at this time... so let's just call it "THE BODY SHOP", and the next day the body shop brought me a loaner in which they said it would take about 10 days to repair, and an estimate of $7,848.37.
TWO MONTHS LATER.... the end of August I call "THE BODY SHOP" finally thinking jeez....wouldn't they have called if there was a problem....well... they answered and said! Oh good timing! Geico was here today, and they are gonna call you about a little additional damage we found. Geico then called me and said the car is totalled. I got silent...and said "Can I see the breakdown please?" They didn't have one.
I went onto and downloaded pictures they took on 8/28/15; the car is RIPPED APART. The steering column is torn out, interior is torn out, it's insane. Yet, on 8/27/15 they were still ordering parts... if the frame was bent, why were they ordering parts. If the car rolled why is there one dent on the entire car?
I then go first few days of September to visit the shop and see my car with my Aunt who runs our family insurance Agency because I told her about it, and showed her the pictures and wanted her to see it with me... She knows as well as I that people usually have to BEG to get cars totalled. well, the car wasn't totalled.. and peculliarly, it was "somewhat" put back together.... They didn't know I saw the pics online, nor that I had the pictures from day 1. Additionally during this visit we were told that their guy didn't want to try to do "frame work" (because they were claiming unibody twisted) yet, when I returned the last time he said they sent it to another place twice..... well that's funny..... the new estimate didn't reflect their story.
Here is also something odd...
So.... the new estimate they gave was just about $22,000.00. TRIPLE THE AMOUNT. Normal protocol would be to call and update the customer with any issues. Especially one in 2 months, if they thought they couldn't repair the car. What the hell???? It is normal protocol to communicate additional changes. This was NOT followed.
First estimate....... kinda high, but ok.
Second one.... "totalled" 2 months later..... GTFO. Unacceptable. Fraudulent.
Is it me, or does it look like this car was torn apart on purpose? There wasn't even any drivers side damage. I do not have an income right now. My ex has ruined my credit. I have no way to finance a new car....
At this point I'm so sick of this scandal, I'm just asking.... whoever did this shit, I'd like a new one parked in my driveway, and it had better be the same exact thing, so my girls still have their magenta glow. I'm tired of being jerked around by a bunch of grown adults. My children and I deserve a way to get around. You want to cut off my arms and legs next?
Not okay.
Additionally, my Sister's boyfriend was charged with DUI that night, even though he had no breathalyzer. They suspected drugs but he wouldn't submit to a blood screen. I do not know the real story behind it. He got out on bond I guess. One day he says they are moving to southside. I get a phone call from someone saying they couldn't get ahold of them..... where did they go? THEY LEFT THE STATE.
So.. let's look at some possibilities
1) Someone hates me and wants to hurt me by falsely saying my car is totalled
2) Someone has a scam going to make money off of cars and selling the parts
3) If they searched my car for God knows what - then the estimate is insurance fraud.
4) How does someone have the power to be strong-arming even Geico? Surely they aren't that dumb... How dumb to be on a call an Accountant and tell me my car is totalled - yet you don't have any "estimate" from the shop.... sorry... I would have believed that 2 weeks after you got the car.... not TWO MONTHS into repairing it
Ya know what? I don't CARE at this point who did what. I want this situation fixed. Take your politics, your drugs, your anger, or whatever it is that caused you to do this.... put it aside... and fix what you have done. Simple. "THE BODY SHOP" or the Insurance or both are responsible for this.
LEAVE ME ALONE. LEAVE MY CHILDREN ALONE. You all want me gone, you want me to shut up.... well how am I supposed to leave with no vehicle? Smooth move.
I have contacted the Insurance Commisioners Office, in which I know. Please... let me know... who or what do you think has happened here?? I don't want to hurt "THE BODY SHOP" because the owners are nice... but if something was done wrong, then don't be strong armed into being silent... or at least tell whoemever did it they are accoutable for fixing this situation.
Doesn't anyone get it? I don't want to hurt anyone.I don't even care what you do at this point. I
just want to stop being hurt by everyone. I want to put this behind me, but now you take even my vehicle from me?? I haven't hurt anyone. I just want to protect my kids and move away from this place. STOP FUCKING WITH ME. How you want me to move with no vehicle?
Someone, or multiple people, need to get their acts together. Stop messing with people's lives, then you wouldn't have so many people out there with dirt on you pulling strings. Go do drugs. Go be corrupt. I don't care about anything except my kids, family, and very close friends.... which includes my HAVING A CAR for my family... and not having to take my Grandparent's SUV to drive who are almost 90 years old.... and can't go hardly anywhere because Grandpa's wheelchair doesn't fit in the other vehicle. Way to go, now you are hurting even more of my family more. I'll close my eyes and turn my head, and let whoever is up to this crap fix this crap because I have enough things to worry about than more games. I'm tired of games. I've done nothing to intentionally hurt a single person. Yet I've been steam-rolled by all sides. I'm a good person. Please, have a heart.
1: How I found out my car was wrecked, and the pic of it that night before being towed. (July 6th)
2) The next afternoon I go to see the car at the tow place.... and because my family has owned an insurance agency for generations, I take pics. ..... the ONE DENT didn't even break the clear coat. Also, NO airbags deployed; No drivers side damage; no roof damage; no hood damage; no front end damage (also note my front drivers tire is a-ok... in fact it's new.... I point this out because next time i see it, it's flat, lol...) Also- the estimate for this. Hell I should have had someone come fix my windshield and just driven it with a dent in the side.
Note the estimate is only Body and Paint hours.
3. 2 Months later uploads. Note they are still ordering parts. I've never been contacted about ANY ISSUES AT ALL WITH REPAIRING IT. It was a 10 day repair..... August 28th pics by Geico. WTF did they tear apart the entire car for???? steering column? interior? front end? Might as well have just gone to Ford and taken one from the assembly line.....
4. A few days later my Aunt who runs an insurance agency and I visit to see the car... and they don't know I have pics from online and before it was done. They telll us that "it just can't be repaired right"..... But.... for a car where they tried so hard to fix the unibody, why is the new estimate they finally coughed up showing 2 hours of frame work; but now NINTEY NINE / 99 hours of body work. Please refer back to the original picture where there is only one fender dented... no paint even broken. This means the damage according to them tripled while at their shop somehow. Miraculously the interior was put back together.... they didn't want me to see that I'm sure. Sorry, Geico was dumb and uploaded it.
5. My final return to the shop...... just this past few weeks... where they changed the story claiming that they DID try to do framework? Sorry, caught that lie. It's now December 17th. You got my car July 7th. Someone has done something very corrupt, and cruel, and selfish... and it is not fair to myself, my children, nor my Grandparents who are letting me drive their car for now... I have more to post, but we'll see if ayone grows a pair and shows some respect for a woman who hasn't hurt anyone and rights their wrong. I'm too sleepy to post more tonight.
I pulled the fender out with the only dent.... that is the ONLY one.... the paint isn't even hurt. no airbag deployed... It is just dusty, so i wiped it off with my hands to show how no paint was damaged even, yet this car supposedly rolled. Also, even better. I pulled the entire passenger side door out of the trunk to dust it off..... not a single dent. Why did they replace it? What in the hell?
Again.... triple the estimate 2 months laster with no communication in between. The estimate says 99 body hours... interesting. LOL. Are we looking at the same car? And if your body person doesn't do frame work (remember I had a witness with me? an insurance agent?) why would you have torn spent 99 hours tearing apart the car to spend "4 hours" or should I say "non-hours" fixing the frame.
Gee, thanks for boxing up my stuff for me by the way.....Friday or Saturday I'll add the DETAILED estimates.. just wait till you see this joke.